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来源:经贸实践 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2020-10-07




∞浙江钭1灵毓秀,人杰地灵,不但物质富裕,而且精神富有。近年来,到浙江来经贸洽谈、旅游观光、留学访问、文化交流的各国友人与日俱增。在这个页面里,我们采录的正是外国友人在浙江工作、学习、访问、游览及生活的几个镜头、几种表情,以此来映现多方面的中外文化交流与合作,展示丰富多彩的时代风貌。口Zhejiang is celebrated for its history, prosperity and cultural heritage.In recent years,more and more people have come to visitZhejiang for business,tourism,cul— tural exchanges and education.On this page are a few photographs that feature what foreigners do inZhejiang and how they enjoy themselves.These photo— graphs show howZhej iang plays a con— structive role inChina’S modernization and in increasing cultural exchanges betweenChina and the rest of the world._1爱尔兰国家舞蹈1tl在浙江演出场景。(何一枫摄)I rish dance rs perform inZhejiang英国青年穿上戏服走上舞台,学演越居(王振宇摄American youths get d ressed inYuejuOp— erd costumes and lea rn how to act. ang日前,法国新锐舞蹈家布兰卡·李领衔的舞团与杭州i本土的年轻舞团“-5达旋风”在西子湖畔进行了一场最炫的街舞秀。(夏之明摄)F rench hip—hop dancers stage a stunt inHangzhou.81,0,、一:r,--I.< e獬摄洲鼗一碳阿g低0叫岫盯浙耐张姚游可国悖外吣

文章来源:《经贸实践》 网址: http://www.jmsjzzs.cn/qikandaodu/2020/1007/509.html


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